Christian Leadership
DTS values Christlike leadership that
equips others and emphasizes humility with sacrificial service.
PERSONAL GOAL: To better delegate to other leaders, I will prayerfully design an organizational chart.
MINISTRY GOAL: By 12/2024, I will identify and begin training and developing other leaders to share the responsibility of leadership with.
PERSONAL GOAL: I will set reminders on my calendar to work on this weekly.
MINISTRY GOAL: I will begin the process of developing a custom based leadership curriculum by 12/3/2024.
PERSONAL GOAL: On Tuesdays, I will prayerfully work on this for 30 minutes a day from 09/3 to 12/3, I will set a weekly repeated calendar.
MINISTRY GOAL: I will pray weekly on Tuesdays about those who I am considering for each role.
PERSONAL GOAL: To create more margin and boundaries, delegating appropriate responsibilities to others will ensure my continued spiritual and emotional health.
MINISTRY GOAL: This goal is relevant in that it would help provide discipleship and leadership opportunities for others to express their gifting as they serve the local body of Christ.
PERSONAL GOAL:I will share my thoughts and reflections with my mentor monthly to track my progress.
MINISTRY GOAL: I will identify leaders by 12/3/2024 and begin monthly leadership training by 1/2025.
Christian Leadership SMART Goals
Christian Leadership Artifacts:
Personal Goal: Church organizational chart will be published on the website.
Ministry Goal: Leadership Curriculum used to develop and train other leaders will also be linked to the website ministry portfolio.
Christian Leadership Reflections
Overall Reflection Statement:
For my competence in Christian leadership, I am submitting an organizational chart and the in house developed leadership curriculum that I will use to teach and develop leaders which demonstrates my ability to identify, delegate to
and train other leaders. This is line with what the Scriptures teach us that the goal of spiritual or Christian leadership is to equip the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the body of Christ ( Ephesians 4:11-13). Doing so also bears practical applications as it lightens the burden on me To do everything and be everything. As a result, it provided more time and room for me to devote to
personal times of devotion and prayer.
Learning Reflection:
As I developed and demonstrated Christian leadership, I discovered that
Developing an organizational chart proved beneficial for everyone involved. Our ministry church leaders responded well and appreciated the clarity and direction of appreciated defined their roles per the organizational chart and it even sought to inject some energy in the life of the church ministry operations. I have also discovered that many times, their are people who can do several things better than I can ( e.g. sing, play musical instruments, media production,et etc). So not only does delegating responsibility well help the other person develop their leadership Skills, it also helps to further strengthen the body of Christ.
Lifelong Reflection Statement:
As as result of the experiences documented by these artifacts,
I will continue to prioritize leadership training for the ministry leaders. Similarly to how medical professionals are expected to participate in continuing medical education to maintain competency, It is likewise essential for ministry leaders to continue to develop their leadership skills and knowledge
as it pertains to their specific ministries and intentional life-on-life disciple making. This could look Like internal seminars and/or external leadership based conferences. To that end, I will continue to work on creating a culture that
fosters this type of life-long learning disposition towards life and ministry.